Horchata: the summer spanish taste!


500 gr dried tiger nuts (chufas)

2,5 L cold water

150 gr sugar

1 cinammon stick  [/one_third][two_third_last]Preparation

Soak the chufas (tiger nuts) in water for 24 h or more,to rehydrate them. Drain and rinse well (you can have them like this, as a snack!!)

Put the half of the sugar, half of the tiger nuts (chufas) and half of the cinnamon with a quarter of the water on a blender and blend well, for around 5 minutes. When smooth, pour in another quarter of the water,and blend 5 minutes more. Prepare a fine sieve with a tablecloth on (enough big to cover and a bit more). Drain well and press to get out as much water as you can.

Repeat this step with the rest of the ingredients, just the same way. Chill qucikly the mixture (the best way is to put it into the freezer), and serve it really cold, nearly frozen. Sprinkle with some cinnamon and, if you can, eat it with fartons, the typical pastry to soak in the horchata. Keep it in the fridge, for less than 2 days. Summer in the spanish beach in a drink!![/two_third_last]

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